Romans 4:21 21 ...fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. ESV
What does it take for us to make up our minds about something? I am convinced that we have to be fully convinced that the path of decision is the best path to take. It may not be the path with the least pain or the most level; but it is the path that is best. Abraham was fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised He would do.
Regardless of how Abraham felt about parenting, heritage, or destiny; he was somehow fully convinced that God would do for him all his heart desired and more. God had made it clear to him that what he wanted, he would get. All Abraham had to do was believe.
In the circumstances in which I find myself I must pray in faith and then believe that God hears my prayer and acts on my behalf – I must be fully convinced in that process. God desires to do great things with our lives but we must be fully convinced of that and position ourselves accordingly. And that position is the fully convinced part that no matter what happens, we’ve dealt with the issue with God and it’s a settled fact – before it even happens!
The last two years have been a training period for me to help me to become more fully convinced. The more I walk fully convinced, the less my anxiety over the things I have no control. I am more free today to look to God in the midst of the mess and trust that He is able to do what He has promised me.
Father in Heaven,
You are my God and King. You have my life in Your hands and I surrender all to You because I am more fully convinced today than I was yesterday in Your goodness, greatness, and presence; and tomorrow is looking good as a result. Father may I share my faith with others and help them to see past the mundane to the miraculous that we may walk in the faith of Abraham, fully convinced that You are able to do exceedingly abundantly more than all we can ask or imagine by our faith in Your finished work in Jesus Christ – amen.
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