Psalm 51:3 3 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. ESV
How well do we know our sins? How acquainted are we with our weaknesses? I’m not talking about living in the past – that is fruitless. I’m not talking about living for tomorrow; it’s never here – I’m talking about right now. How well do we know our sins, our propensities; our weaknesses?
If we knew our sins we’d guard ourselves against them. If we knew our weak spots we’d do what’s necessary to avoid them. Most of the time we just avoid the knowledge of what is plainly evident or ignore it – and it ain’t pretty!
David wasn’t just confessing his affair with Bathsheba and his conspiracy with Joab in the murder of Uriah (Bathsheba’s husband). No, David was confessing his condition before God – he was a sinner, not because of what he did on one specific occasion but because of his condition as a human from birth: he was conceived in sin because of the fall of the human race in Adam and Adam's original rebellion of disobedience in the Garden of Eden. How well do we know our sin and our condition before God? Does it make us think about the way we behave and the things we say we really believe? It sure ought to if it doesn't.
I admit that apart from Christ I am nobody with nothing headed nowhere. I admit that I am capable of some very evil things. I admit that I am becoming more and more aware of things that I shouldn't do and be in order to become more of what God intends for me. I admit it’s a battle but one of the keys to my success is: forewarned is also forearmed. My sins, like stray cats, will hang around as long as I feed them…
Father in Heaven,
Your servant David knew he was a sinner and without You he was doomed. He knew that if anyone could save him, it was You and You alone. Thank You for Your salvation and for helping me to know that despite my natural condition, You love me and have provided for my salvation through Jesus Christ. Help me to see my weaknesses even more clearly that I may abide in You and avoid them in Christ – I pray in His Name, amen.
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