Romans 3:27 27 Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith. ESV
Boasting is something I do when I possess something of value or have done something of importance; it’s simply me singing my praises over something I have or have done. But boasting gets me no where in the Kingdom of God because relationship with God and citizenship in heaven is not acquired on the basis of what I’ve done but on the basis of me believing what God has done. That is the law of faith. And it is an unchanging law that stands forever.
We understand or at least accept, the law of gravity and there is nothing we can do to change it – it is what it is and will remain so as long as the earth lasts. The law of faith is similar – it is what it is and will remain so as long as God lasts and His Kingdom remains. So I cannot boast in the law of gravity because I had nothing to do with it and I cannot boast in the law of faith because having been given faith, all I can do it accept that it is the way God planned it.
More and more I am less and less impressed with what I do. I see my limitations and my shortcomings. But rather than discourage me, this encourages me to cling to and trust in God because He is the answer to all my needs. Yes, I can do things but the only thing that matters is my faith in God and all He’s done for me through Jesus Christ; and there’s where I’ll hang my hat because my standing or righteousness is not based on my achievements but upon His!
Father in Heaven,
You have made the way and You have established the law of faith which goes against the conventional wisdom of all human achievement, potential, and pride. Father, increase my faith that I may do what You tell me to do, and that our relationship may grow in depth and beauty – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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