Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Am Free To Dance


Proverbs 13:7 7 One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. ESV

Both pretend because both are deeply concerned with what we think about them. Both are bound by what they have and desperately need to make an impression upon us by how they act. Why act unless there’s an audience? Both are desperate for control over their lives and are imprisoned by how they perceive they are perceived by the rest of us.

Why is it, that one pretends to be rich, yet has nothing? Does he think we’ll think he’s rich and that somehow we’ll like him more, envy him more or think he’s important? Why is it, that another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth? Does he think that all we’re interested in is his money and he’s not about to let any of it go? Both are caught up in materialism, self, and pride and it’s all based on what they think the audience thinks. Both serve a false god.

Freedom in Christ is singular focus upon Christ alone. That doesn’t mean the exclusion of others but it does mean that the control I want to have over my life is submitted to Jesus and I take my orders from Him; not worrying how I am perceived by the fickle audience of others. Freedom is freedom to be me in Christ, and then letting the chips falls where they may…

Father in Heaven,
You didn’t create me for bondage but for freedom; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. It was for freedom that Jesus set me free – so now may I surrender all my acting and striving to please others and simply live to please You, whereby others will be blessed as I do. I am free to dance…! Amen.

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