Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Death Squad


Romans 8:13 13 for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. New American Standard Bible

It seems to me the major part of my day is to be (must be) devoted to learning how to hear and respond to the voice of the Spirit of God for He is the One who illumines those things in me that are fleshly and deathly. Flesh and death are synonymous; that’s what Paul implies in this verse. So I need to work at listening to the Spirit and cooperate with Him that I may under His direction, identify and crucify all that is of the flesh in me – He gives me the wherewithal to do so.

So I am the death squad and I take my directions and initiative from the Holy Spirit who is present in me to show me what to kill in me that feeds and breeds death in me. And so by killing the deeds, perspectives, attitudes, desires and deceptions of the flesh under the Spirit’s control, I live victoriously, obediently, and ultimately, eternally.

Father in Heaven,
By Your Spirit, help me identify all that is in me that is fleshly and deathly. I accept in Jesus Christ my role as the death squad to all that is opposed to You and all that feeds and breeds death in me. I want to learn so I ask You to show me – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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