Ephesians 5:29 29 ‘…for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church…’ New American Standard Bible
No one ever hated his own flesh because even the most worthless among us eats and sleeps and takes some measure of pleasure from this life. [He] nourishes and cherishes it (being his flesh, his life, his being, his existence) – it is a normal part of life to do the bodily functions and to care for the basics of human-ness. But here’s the ringer: just as Christ also does the church. I am a part of Christ’s body, the church. And He nourishes and cherishes it – including me and you.
The person nourishes and cherishes his own body; the husband cherishes and cares for his wife and Jesus Christ nourishes and cherishes His church – a group of people who are His own. There may be those who destroy their body; there may be those who abuse their body – but Jesus Christ is never ever included in that number.
Today I am rejoicing in the light of the truth that Jesus nourishes and cherishes me – and all who call upon His Name and all who are called to be the church. Jesus is the Head; Jesus is the Husband. Jesus is my Authority and He is my keeper. My life is not my own and I cannot call the shots any longer; for me to do so is to deny my Head. I am so sorry that I so often do…
Father in Heaven,
The word that comes to my puny little mind this morning is ‘reeling’. I am reeling because of the magnitude of this verse and the horrific-ness of my selfish and sinful ways. O God, help me see, accept, and faithfully live accordingly, I pray in His Name – The Head of [my] Body – amen.
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