Hebrews 1:5 5 For to which of the angels did He ever say, “You are My Son..." New American Standard Bible
Today I am breaking the S.O.A.P. rules that I hold so dear. My devotions (or daily venture into the Bible) follow the READ, OBSERVE, APPLY, PRAY, design of the SOAP method. Wow, I think I just admitted I’m a methodist… Oh yes, breaking the rules… I’m only going to devote my writing to a part of a verse and not the whole thing. GASP! Paul, how could you!?
Easy, just four simple words: “You are My Son”. Words that were never spoken to any angel regardless of how wonderful and worshipful they may be. “You are My Son” – God had a plan in place long before Adam and Eve sinned. “You are My Son” – He led the people of Israel out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. “You are My Son” – He watched over them and loved them and helped them through their greatest days – and their worst. “You are My Son” – when the time was right He entered their world and took up His mission of telling them the truth and sacrificing Himself for their sins and ours that we all might become sons and daughters of God.
Today, I am reminded, I am His son. He said it and I repeat it. If there were ever any words worth repeating as I go through this life they are these: I am His son. For this reason I was created - I am His son. To accomplish His will and purpose - I am His son. To live a faithful and obedient life and to encourage others to do the same - I am His son. To break the rules of SOAP and proclaim to my brothers and sisters in the faith: we are His children!
Father in Heaven,
Other than “I love you”, the four greatest words any human can ever hear from Your lips are “you are My child!” What more do we need? What else do we need to hear? Abba, thank You that You loved me, created me and now call me Your son – Your child. May I live this day in response to those miraculous words and may I bring glory to Your Name – Dad! I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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