Monday, November 30, 2009

Long Before Long After


Romans 4:10 10 How then was it credited? While he was circumcised, or uncircumcised? Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised; New American Standard Bible

Abraham, the man of faith, the father of all who believe, received his standing before God long before there was The Law. The Law said one had to be circumcised in order to be acceptable to God but that was written long after Abraham lived. So how did Abraham win God’s approval? He was approved before he was circumcised. What set Abraham apart was not circumcision but belief.

Paul’s masterful argument shows the holey-ness of man’s belief systems that require that we all have to do something in order to impress God and earn His acceptance. To the Jews that something was circumcision. To the modern person it may be wealth, education, race, heritage, community service, or whatever. But in the Kingdom of God it is only belief (or faith) in God that scores any points for anyone.

Faith doesn’t require works although from faith works spring. God expects His law of love, written on the heart of the believer, to make a difference in how that person behaves and their behavior is primarily for the purpose of displaying love for God and love for others. Love is active in that it does tangible goodness to others that they may see it, believe it, and learn to love as well; but it all springs from belief in God and His promises – and belief in that principle is what set Abraham (and everyone else who believes) apart.

So I believe. I believe and I learn to give over all of my fears of how I am treated and what others may think of me to God so that God may have the place of preeminence in my life so that others may also believe. I don’t have to keep any rule or meet any requirement to do that…

Father in Heaven,
It is belief that pleases You. The ones who are right are the ones who believe. If there is anything I can do it’s this: believe and obey and trust that You are completely in control and nothing in my life is random and all things point me toward You. Help me to live with Abraham’s unwavering faith; thank You for planting that seed in my heart – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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