Eat Me
John 6.57 57 “As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me. (NASB)
What is the purpose of food? Food is for sustenance and nourishment of the body. Food is a necessary part of everyday life. None of us can survive indefinitely without food. But food is not just for survival – it’s also for pleasure. In an affluent society food is sought for pleasure and for comfort. Where there is an abundance of food there is an abundance of appetite and there is the misuse of food, i.e. the consumption of food way beyond what is required for nourishment; hence our corpulent population.
Jesus said, “he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.” What!? Jesus, what do You mean!? I think He meant to take Him in like we would take in food so that all He is, will become all we are. There is in the taking in of Jesus the process of ingestion and digestion; both are necessary for the appreciation, acceptance, and actuality of Christ. And it's way more than a tiny wafer and a thimble-full of grape juice - it's the believing and doing of all He says. We allow our eyes to feast on objects that feed our mind so why not feast on all of who Jesus is, was, did and does in order to feed our soul?
Jesus’ words were offensive that day; many rejected Him saying, “This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?” (v. 60) Jesus, You’ve gone too far in Your analogies, pal. We can’t accept this one!
What does Jesus do for you and me? How does His life affect ours? For us, is it a continual feasting on His words, His fellowship, and His lordship? Or is it, “This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?” The ramifications of this passage are massive. The one who claims Christ but doesn’t feed is one who is stunted, malnourished, and ineffective. The one who feeds, feeds and feeds without living out life-change is obese and ineffective. The answer is: “As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.” (v. 57) He who eats, believes and he who believes, responds.
Father in Heaven,
May all I do today be in response to my feasting upon the Body and Blood of Jesus. I pray in His Name, amen.
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