Monday, December 28, 2009

The Posture of Worship


Revelation 5:14 14 And the four living creatures kept saying, “Amen.” And the elders fell down and worshiped. New American Standard Bible

The scenes in Heaven in Revelation are strange to me; particularly the scenes around the throne with the four living creatures and the angels and the 24 elders whom I assume are the original apostles and the sons of Israel. What I am keen on is the falling down of the elders in the posture of worship to God and the Lamb.

The posture of worship is an attitude of the heart. And whether one stands, or bows, or falls prostrate – the physical is a representation of the spiritual.

The other thing I see is they appear to be eager to assume the posture because in Heaven they apparently know more of God’s Big Picture and the reasons for why things have happened the way they have; and how they have been spared the wrath because their belief. They give God all the credit.

The posture of worship in my life can sure use some upgrading and I learn from these guys that there will come a time when I too will know more of God’s Big Picture and why things have happened the way they have; God has always been in complete control and has met His eternal purposes through His Christ and through those who believe in Him.

Father God,
You are worthy O Lord! You are in complete control and You are allowing things to run their courses so that Your plans and purposes may be gloriously met. Thank You that I am part of that plan and today I lay my life out in the posture of worship giving You the glory and knowing that whatever I do is to be done in the attitude of Holiness Unto the Lord! for whether I eat, or drink, or whatever I do, must be done in an attitude of worship – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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