Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Ruler of Air


Ephesians 2.2 “…in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.” – St. Paul  

There is one thing for sure: air, at least the air about this earth, is a place. Air is that place between earth, and space (where there is no air). The difference between the place of air, and that of, perhaps, terra firma, is density. Paul tells us there is a kingdom of the air, and a ruler of a kingdom from there. 

When is the last time you scooped up a whole bucket full of air? You’ll actually be surprised that there isn’t much to it. Any old bucket or pail sitting around in your garage or shed is full of air. You can’t grasp it, you can’t hoard it; you can’t see it, taste it or even feel it. Air is air. 

Air is permanent yet unstable. Air is driven by changes in the climate and temperature. But no matter how hard the wind blows, air is never driven away. And Paul said “the ways of this world” are driven by a ruler of the kingdom of the air. Unstable, but present. Present but not omnipresent. 

Air is something God designed for our need and our protection. We didn’t get a say-so in whether there was air, or no air. But consider, just for a moment what our last moments would be if gravity lost its pull, and the air went ‘out there’. And air for all it’s positive qualities, is not substantive – at least to the point where it amounts to much. But air is the habitation of a prince whose power is: of the air. 

Now, what would we think of this dark enemy if he was merely a ruler of the kingdom of air? Not of the air, but of air. What do we think of a world leader whose policies and plans hold no air? Which would we rather: a substantive leader… or one whose words are wind? 

A couple weeks ago, a man spoke at our church making the statement: the devil will beat you with whatever stick you hand him. Satan may only of the air, but the damage he inflicts is in an even more ethereal spot: the grey matter betwixt our ears – the realm of the mind.  If the air is both permanent and unstable, think about the atmosphere of the mind. It’s in the mind that the prince does some of his dirtiest work… he knows humans are gullible fools. 

Therefore, our minds must be retrained, our thoughts must be guarded; the battles we fight are not with worldly weapons, but with weapons of truth and trust; of focus and faith. Our fight is against all the crap we learned in high school and everywhere else. Our battlefield is a place where the winds of untruth blow to take root. Remember, we are beaten by whatever stick we offer. 

The devil has only the power we give him. St. James said, resist him and he’ll flee (James 4). The devil is no match for truth, but oh how he’ll twist it with the untaught and unguarded to serve his destructive agenda. The disobedient, says Paul, are willing vassals of Satan and his devices; and his biggest hustle has always been: to convince the saved, that they aren’t; and the unsaved, that they are 

Father, You have placed me in a place where if I’m not careful, I’ll get sucked into a vortex of falsehood from which it is almost impossible to escape. Help me to guard my thoughts, and to let the air be the air; but to resist the ruler whose devilish agenda comes from there… amen

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