Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Imitate Me


1 Corinthians 4.15-16 15 Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me. – St. Paul

Who led you to Christ? Was there anyone who influenced you to turn your life over to Jesus and follow Him (as he or she followed Him)? Who is your father in Christ?

For some, your Father is your father; you came to Christ by the power and influence of God’s presence and simply turned your life over to Him. For others, there was a person or two that convinced you the path you chose was leading you to nowhere, and somehow you decided to turn and follow another path, the path of Christ. Would that person have said: “I urge you to imitate me (as I follow Christ)”?

That’s a big question to an even bigger statement: I urge you to imitate me. Who says that – the timid, the questioning, the confused!? It takes quite a person to say: I urge you to imitate me

The guy who led me to Christ may have been that kind of person. He was a bit brash and came off as somewhat arrogant. But he had a heart of gold and he followed Jesus with all of his heart. He urged me to imitate him in his faith in Jesus. That’s what true discipleship is all about: imitation, emulation, following the leader. Those kinds of people are fathers.

Awhile back at my men’s group, we mused: who are the fathers in our respective churches? None of us made the list. I wonder why. Is it because we can’t see ourselves as fathers; or is it because we’re uncertain of our calling? Part of it may be, we’re so shocked when we read Paul’s words that we’re blown away at the thought of anyone on earth urging others to imitate their faith and devotion to Christ?

Even the most spiritual I know seem reticent to act that way or say such a thing. We judge ourselves weirdly.

So, we’re blown away by Paul, whom we deem as the bellwether for our faith, but what do we really think about Jesus who said, go everywhere to everyone and tell them about Me? Do we think Jesus would urge: Imitate Me, as I give Myself to God? These are questions worth asking. Is Paul on a pedestal with no room for anyone else? Who are we imitating if we’re not imitating him? And why, if we’re not, aren’t we? Who are we asking to imitate us? Or do we dare venture out onto that ice? If not, why not.

My questions today are: where is my faith taking me; and who am I following (imitating) to get where I think I’m going? Do I imitate anyone, or am I just winging it all on my own, hoping for the best? Maybe the difference in my faith-walk would turn on such questions as these. Maybe God is waiting for me to urge someone to imitate me in my faith and practice. I think I am confronted today in the real reality of my faith and understanding.

Father in Heaven, You did not invite me into the Kingdom to wing it on my own. I believe (at least for today) that You are urging me to walk in such a way as to urge others to imitate me in my faith in You. It is not performance or production, but heart. Is my heart so full before You that I would ask others to follow me as I follow Jesus – that is the question. Help me to answer it I pray, amen

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