Friday, September 18, 2015

That Prayer


Luke 1.13 But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.” - Dr. Luke

I get it. As a former pastor, I get it. As a churchman I get it. As a spouse, a parent, a business owner, I get it. As an intercessor and child of God, I get it. God answers prayers, but He also answers that prayer.

Zechariah the priest was on duty and he was supposed to lift prayers and incense to God on behalf of God’s people. And he did; but Zechariah had a prayer of his own: God, I’d like a son. He might’ve even said, please, and he might’ve even said, thank You for what You are already doing. I get it.

There are times in our lives in which prayers are lifted, but there are also times in our lives when there is a prayer, something that just won’t go away from us personally. The deepest need. The deepest longing. The ache that won’t quit; that which just won’t go away. It’s that prayer.

And I think it was to that prayer to which the angel Gabriel referenced when he told Zechariah that God indeed had heard his prayer – that prayer. A son was on the way…

A friend of mine (quoting another) says God answers prayers like this: Yes. No. Wait. And, if you insist. There just may be some truth to that, but Zechariah, because of the then age-old importance of bearing offspring, probably made it a plea to the Most High. I think, for the longest time God told him, “wait”. And Zechariah did. And Zechariah may have thought the answer was, no; but he kept praying because his longing, his desire, his pain was so deep. And no one else could help.

Who’s at fault when a couple can’t bear kids? The husband? The wife? Doesn’t matter, and shouldn’t be a point of contention, but sometimes it is. We don’t culturally value children these days like they did in those, but to the ones who really want one and can’t they usually pray that prayer.

Childbearing may not be your issue – it might be a new job, or a new client, a healing, or a financial miracle. Whatever it is, it may be for you, that prayer. You may be in leadership, or in the shepherding of others, and you may offer up corporate prayers (and perhaps incense), but among or alongside whatever corporate stuff you pray for is that prayer and God is attuned to the heart that prays. And we shouldn’t be surprised on that day (angelic visitation or not) when the prayer gets answered.

God gives His kids what is best for them. The answer to prayer whether it’s yes, no, wait, or, if you insist, is all in perfect harmony with His loving heart. And His answers are in tune with His love and He never does anything apart from His love.

Lord, may we simply pray and trust You with whatever the answer is. It may have been Your will to say, no to old Zech, (in reality it wasn’t) but You heard his prayer and felt his heart. I trust You in our walk together it is no different. May I simply pray – Amen.

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