Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Insert Your Name


Job 37.14 “Hear this, O Job; stop and consider the wondrous works of God." – Elihu (ESV)

There is a voice calling from heaven into the heart and life of every human on earth: “Hear this, O __________________ (insert your name); stop and consider the wondrous works of God.”

As I am wont to do most mornings I get on the computer (actually, I just turn it on and go to my favorite sites and read and think and, well, basically waste time) it’s my way of waking up. And when I read I try to think about things and come up with some kind of mental response like: hmmm…, or: yeah, or: that’s bizarre!

Here are a couple tid-bits from today:

“But those fat cat CEOs on Wall Street make more than $500 billion in a single day right? Let’s just raise taxes on them a little bit.”

“Had fun playing homemaker today. Rearranging things, scrubbing and dusting, did so much laundry washer is acting up now. Cooked sweet potato waffles, an elk roast, and zucchini brownies. So much time to soak and pray. Bethel music on Spotify blessed me immensely.”

I could go on and on. But then I remembered what I’m really supposed to do in the morning: and I read Job 37 and 38, and 1 Corinthians 12. Elihu’s narrative, once again, caught my attention and it seemed to be a fitting response to all I read about this morning and I thought, what a difference it would make in this world of ours if everyone stopped doing what they do and did what they should: stop and consider the works of God.

That got my attention. That made me think and I felt as if the Lord had spoken to me: O Paul, stop all your worrying and fretting and consider My wondrous works. Quit fearing the unknown and rejoice in the known! Be assured child, I am in control and I have never failed. I don’t fail. And I won’t fail you.

I feel I am called today to stop and consider the wondrous works of God and rejoice that I have a life to enjoy because of them.

I don’t know the answers; I never have and probably never will. But I do know this: God does and He has promised to lead me to the answers I need. Today I will stop thinking He won’t and start trusting He will.

Father, thank You for Your word today and for Elihu’s comment to Job: O Job; stop and consider the wondrous works of God. It made me come back to reality and I will walk and delight in it today – You are the Wondrous God who loves me! Amen.

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