Monday, September 10, 2012

Seeing Beyond the Chains


1 John 4.7-8 7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. NLT

It’s hard to do, but to accept people just for who they are is probably about the best way to get along with them. It’s even harder to do, but to love them for who they are is the best way to relate to them. Biblical love always puts the interests of others above our own and seeks the highest good for someone else. That is hard to do especially when the interests of others may include taking advantage of me.

The Serenity Prayer states, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. One thing I have learned is this: I cannot change people. But 1 John tells me I’m to love them; I’m to put their interests above my own and I’m to seek their highest good.

Love is not just romance. Love is not just affection. Love – Biblical love – is more like one guy in chains telling another guy in chains how to get free. Not cynicism, but hope. We live in a mostly hopeless world. People have a hard time seeing past themselves and their circumstance. And then when someone comes along and “loves” them they tend to take it suspiciously or they try to take advantage of it. One thing we all have in common here is: let me just get free from whatever is bothering me. If we see even a glimmer of a chance of that happening, most folks will try to take it.

But hope is based on truth and though truth seems to be fleeting to most, when someone comes along and shares their love – their true love – it is something most people have never seen. We cannot factor out the Holy Spirit because it is He who empowers such love. That’s why John said in (what we call) 1 John 4.13: And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. The Spirit of God empowers love and enables love. True love. The Spirit is who makes the claims of one in chains to another in chains believable. The Spirit’s presence is what brings proof to the claims of hope we have. It doesn’t happen any other way.

To love someone the way the Bible spells out love, takes power that can only come from heaven; it doesn’t come naturally on earth. So Biblical love stands out and Biblical love loves the unlovely. And John makes the case that if I’m not loving (verb tense) in that manner, I need to find out why.

1 John is all about contrasts and comparisons – separating what is true from what is acceptable. And true love is the hallmark of the saved. True love looks to give away what the Master has given without any thought of getting anything back. (Usually the give back is soddened with selfishness but how are the selfish ever supposed to get free if they are never exposed to true love?)

Father, may I love with Your love today and live in Your love today – through Jesus, amen.

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