Friday, April 6, 2012

A Redeemer Today


Ruth 4.14 14 Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed is the LORD who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel. NASB

God never delivers the bad news without also the good news: Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today… Thank God for a Redeemer! Thank God for our Redeemer! Thank God, that we are not left to the mercies of this world but that He has loved us and cared for us and taken us into His realm where the adventure of all eternity awaits us!

The Book of Judges is truly one of the saddest documents ever written. And God, true to form, caused the Book of Ruth to be the first thing we read in Scripture right after these words: In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21.25 NASB)

The picture of chaos is spelled out in those words. Thank God He has not left us without a Redeemer in these days where it seems we are drifting closer and closer to the collapse of our society, and the church is ridiculed, and the Name of Christ maligned. Ruth is the story of hope – for Naomi, the wife of Elimelech, for Ruth the widow, for the nation of Israel and for the world: thank God that He has not left us without a Redeemer today.

One of the characters in the story of Ruth is a man named Boaz who was the great grandfather of King David. Hmmm, go figure. God does not leave us without hope and He does not leave us without Someone to step in on our behalf: our Redeemer.

In 2 Corinthians 6 are these words:


Today, we need those words because without them we are without our Redeemer – Someone who truly cares for us and has His heart set on our success and not our demise. God has chosen, not only to buy us back with His precious blood, but He has also chosen to dwell within our very hearts helping us in the battle of good vs. evil, dark vs. light; and life vs. death. What more could we ask for?

Today, in whatever we find ourselves doing – job or leisure, sickness or health, poverty or wealth – let us do so with the knowledge that the Lord has not left us without a Redeemer today and no matter how dark or dismal our circumstances there is One who loves us entirely and eternally. Our lives matter to Him and He will not leave us destitute. I, for one, will celebrate that truth!

Thank You Father for Your great love and for our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who stood in the gap for us that we may indeed celebrate and experience Your presence and power forever. Amen.

We have a Redeemer today!

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