Friday, May 20, 2016

What We Choose


Romans 1.28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. – St. Paul

In Roman’s 1, Paul used the term: ‘God gave them over’ three times. I had to stop and think about that: Why did God give them over? In the world in which we live there is an order to things, and God never deviates from His order. He gave mankind the gift of Freewill. And God never deviates from His order.

When we think about why the world was formed, and why people were created, we could conjure up much speculation, but it really boils down to this: God chose to. God desired to create a race of beings with whom He could have fellowship and friendship. Why? Only God knows.

Now, it appears, that even in God’s realm(s) there are some who couldn’t understand or believe that God would do such a thing: create Freewill mankind. But He did, and the way He did it was to offer to His creatures, called humans, an offer of friendship. And He did all this with freewill: His and theirs.

Well you would think that the creatures, marveled by His majesty and goodness would line up to become God’s friends; clamoring to get a spot in the friendship ring. But a seed of doubt grew about God’s plan, and caused God’s creatures to question the merit of God’s offer. The creatures chose, in their own freewill, to disbelieve God. So God gave them over what they chose.

I know this must sound fantastical, but it is true; and we do live today in a world ruled by men with self-will. But that’s not the half of it, because to those who refuse God, He gives them what they want: self-will. And all that comes with it. Why!? Why would God do that!? Because God never forces Himself on anyone. Ever.

God didn’t create robots. What’s the point of that? God could make creatures who’ll do and say everything according to His will because they don’t know any different! And!? No, God chose to make us with freewill and with free will comes the ability to choose. So, we either choose to believe God – OR – He gives us over to what we choose instead. We must be careful in what we choose, because of what we can either gain, or lose.

What gets me today is what God gave them over to: In love, He gave them what they wanted: a life devoid of Him. Life devoid of Him is what we have in our world today; and all that goes with it. Things like: the degrading of ... bodies with one another. Shameful lusts. Every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity: envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice; gossips, slanderers, God-hatred, insolence, arrogance and boasting; inventive ways of doing evil; disobedience to parents; no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. And an unquenchable thirst for more...

That is our world; that is what we have chosen. And God, graciously, gives us over to what we choose. But it is not without an a counter-offer for what He chooses. Life can be way different for the better.

Father, You have given us freewill and the ability to choose. May I choose what is right, because I don’t like what is wrong. May I use my freewill to believe rather than to doubt. Help me to freely share with others Your offer and may my life be used to help them to see, that in You, they are truly free. Amen

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