Sunday, May 15, 2016

More and More


1 Thessalonians 4.1 As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. St. Paul

The goal of the Christian life is to excel – we’re to excel at things like faithfulness, love, kindness, goodness and other virtues. Without the Holy Spirit, we are incapable of any of this; but with Him, we excel more and more.

Life on earth is not perfect, nor is it without its difficulties and setbacks; but we serve a God who knows our weakness, and has given us His Spirit to be our guide and motivation. And, not only that, but God has given us His Spirit to be our Friend. I believe in the Friendship of God. I also believe that God hasn’t left us without capacity for that friendship; and that is why we can excel more and more.

Humans know and understand limits. Earth for us is mostly limited. Seasons begin and end. Each day starts and ends. And the total days of our physical lives are limited. But the Gift of God is Himself and His limitlessness. We may not comprehend that fully, but it’s our gift nonetheless. And the more we walk with God the more we experience (even in the limits of earth) His limitlessness toward eternity: the limitlessness of no time, and all space.

To even urge someone to love more and more means for them to experience God more and more. It takes a God-sized love to love other humans. We are fallen and we seem to inherently know that. And just when we feel we’ve met the best of them, we’ll find the worst in them. That calls for love. That calls for acceptance, and that is supplied infinitely by the Lord Himself who has given us of His Spirit endlessly; the capacity to love more and more – to excel more and more.

If eternity is limitlessness, they we better get used to that as we make our way home. If the capacity for more and more has been given to us – then may we be people of more and more of God, His Kingdom, and His love: for Him and for all who call upon His Name.

Father, thank You for taking the limits off in Jesus Christ by His Spirit. It is no big thing for me to love each other more and more when I quit limiting myself by the bounds of the understanding of earth and accept the limitlessness that is mine from Heaven in Christ. I want more and more – Amen.

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