Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Truth with a Preference


Luke 12:1b “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." ESV

Jesus’ words in most of Luke 12 center on the issue of hypocrisy. I understand hypocrisy; it’s a lifestyle in which I am well versed. Hypocrisy is as common to mankind as dandelions are to our yards in the spring. We all work very hard every day to be and to act different than who we really are.

I realize to make such a broad statement may sound either stupid or unfair, but it is true nonetheless; we humans are all hypocrites. Our sense of value is all messed up, our limitations are way to obvious, and our inner-voice opinion of ourselves is mostly, me first! The Pharisees were world-class hypocrites and Jesus Christ, the Only non-hypocrite who ever lived, pointed that out.

Leaven makes baked bread fluffy. Leaven is yeast, and bread with yeast is more preferable to our pallets than bread without. Unleavened bread is bread with a choice; leavened bread is bread with a preference; what do we choose, what do we prefer?

Hypocrisy is truth with a preference: as long as you are accountable and I only have to appear accountable… that’s our preference. We prefer to be hypocrites because it is easier than self-discipline; it’s a corner to be cut. We prefer to be hypocrites because we can shrug our shoulders and say, ‘well, everyone else is!” We prefer hypocrisy because it excuses our inner struggle and is so natural to our nature.

But we all hate it when we’re left holding the bag of the effect of someone else’s hypocrisy. And when our leaders say, do as we say, not as we do then we howl. Jesus tells me and you to beware; and the implication is, don’t do it!

Father God,
Only through the Spotless one may I be spotless, and that is only because I belong to Him. Help me to beware of my own hypocrisy and in Him, and through Him, and by Him, to stand against it, I pray in His Name, amen.

1 comment:

hallockd said...

FYI, the word translated "sincerely" in verses like "love one another sincerely" is anhupokritos, which means un-hypocrisy. So love, feigned, is hypocritical. When folks use folks, they fake acceptance, love, kindness in order to get something from another. When they minister, they practice acceptance, love, kindness because it is what God has given and told us to give. The manipulator sees when his "victim" runs out of what he wants. When that happens, he no longer has reason to fake the acceptance, love, kindness. He then reveals who he really has been all along. Not your friend, but an enemy in disguise.