Luke 14:33 33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. ESV
There are hard sayings in the New Testament and Jesus is responsible for more that a few; Luke 14.33 is a hard saying. He warms us up by saying, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” (v.26 ESV) Hate is a hard and powerful word. But Jesus makes this demand.
What does it mean to renounce all we have and be His disciple? It means a total renewal of our mindset towards things of this life and the admission that unless there is a renouncing of all of earth, there will always be some resistance toward all of Heaven. Jesus is trying to protect us from committing to something wonderful and allowing it to erode by settling for less.
And Jesus lived His life on earth but not caught up by earth.
The Lord demands that I give Him every place in my heart along with my secret stashes of sin and desire as well. My life in Christ, is to be a life of total separation from earth while on earth so that I can be totally, effectively connected to Heaven. It is a total renewal of my mind, my values and my beliefs; it’s different than I’ve ever known and it’s the way of Heaven.
Father in Heaven,
You have offered men something eternally different than what they know or are used to; You’ve offered them eternal life. And who believe in You must forsake all that they’ve grown used to here on earth. Disciples are to be on earth, relate to the earth, but to live with their whole hearts in Heaven in order to be effective in living the life of Heaven. This is a hard saying but one I embrace and I ask You to help me live with my whole heart in order to be Christ’s disciple. Amen.
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