Friday, January 22, 2010



Luke 22:28 28 “You are those who have stayed with me in my trials..." ESV

Jesus was tried and found worthy. He had every opportunity to resist, to turn, to do His own thing; but He stayed with God and was found worthy to accomplish the greatest accomplishment of all history for all mankind: salvation.

Next time we're tempted to think God is being unfair, let’s remember that He Himself did exactly what He calls us to do, and what He chooses to do with us – try us, that we may be found worthy.

I’m glad the roads I drive on are worthy to support my car; I’m glad the building I work in is worthy to stand; I’m worthy that the house I live in is worthy for habitation. And I’m glad that the Savior I trust in is worthy for salvation – amen?

Father God,
You sent Moses to the Israelites in Egypt with the promise that You were worthy and You would save them; You proved Yourself to them over and over. Throughout history You have proved Yourself over and over. And You sent Jesus, who completed His trials, that He would be worthy to save everyone who recognizes His worthiness for all time. He is worthy and I worship Him today - amen.

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