Thursday, January 28, 2010



Acts 4.29,30 29And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, 30while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus." ESV

What do you ask for in prayer? Do you ask God for things He’ll never give, God, give me Pluto; do you ask God for things you already have, God, give me grace and salvation? Here in Acts 4 the disciples were asking for the boldness to speak despite the threats leveled at them by the ruling council of the Jews. And they asked that God would stretch out His hand to heal and that signs and wonders would be performed through the Name of Jesus. Do you ask God for things like this?

My prayers are largely selfish and there aren’t too many times I pray, Lord, look upon their misunderstanding and ignorance of Who You are that I may help them understand their need for You, and all You offer. But today, I am reminded to pray that God’s will be done and that despite the ignorance of men and the willful rejecting of the truth, that I may have boldness in the Holy Spirit’s power to speak and to testify of the truth that people may be convinced and be saved.

Father in Heaven,
And now, Lord, look upon my situation and circumstances, my job, the people with whom I work and among whom I live this day, and grant Your servant the opportunities to speak up for Your truth and to help others see how wonderful and awesome You really are. Give me strength and boldness today, I pray in Jesus’ Name. And if You threw in a miracle, we’d all be blown away! Amen.

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