Sunday, January 17, 2010

God Strives


Genesis 43:14b And as for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved. ESV

One of the stellar attributes of the Christian is teachability; to be teachable is worth more than riches or position; it is to be sough with all one’s might.

Jacob had his name changed by God from supplanter, (or he strives) to Israel (or God strives. (see Genesis 35.10)) Jacob was the consummate control freak and the account of his early life shows he did whatever it took to try to control his circumstances and life; and it didn't matter how many bodies were left in his wake. There is nothing wrong with trying to guide one’s life and do the right things but when the right things are only according to one’s own interpretation is when the rub come. Jacob rubbed most people the wrong way because he only saw his way as right. But Jacob became teachable in the long run.

And just because your name gets changed right away doesn’t mean your personality changes right away; the personality is a slow learner. What’s important is that it learns…

As we read through the account of the famine and the buying grain and the consequence of bumping into Joseph whom the brothers had all but forgotten (Genesis 41ff), we see the impact of Israel’s former life and the backwaters of control still present in his life – but this statement in chapter 43 shows that Israel was learning about that which was out of his control, and that God was faithfully seeing to it. It is God who strives in our lives for good and for righteousness; if it weren’t for Him, we’d all be supplanters…

Father in Heaven,
You lovingly, faithfully run us through the ringer over and over again so that we can learn and ‘get it’. We learn that we are not in control and we get it that You are. I pray for mercy but I also pray that I be sorely convicted whenever I scheme to try to get ahead. Help me to be humble and teachable and remember that it is You who strives in my life for my good and for my success in living the Kingdom life; I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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