Galatians 5:6 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. New American Standard Bible
The whole argument of the letter to the Galatians encompasses the issue of law and grace. It appears that Paul is reminding the Galatian believers that belief in God is not based on performance (i.e. keeping the law) but according to God’s promises that those who believe (or trust in Him) do so as a result of God’s divine favor; thus entering into relationship with God through love and not rules.
That concept was too hard for some Jews to accept; they had been too deeply immersed in their traditions and could not accept relationship with God apart from keeping one rule: circumcision. Paul countered that even if relationship with God hinged on keeping one rule, the obligation then was to keep all the rules – and that was simply not acceptable to the concept of faith by grace (See Ephesians 2.8ff) That’s why Paul could say “…neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.” In Christ it is all about God’s love which causes us to love others and thereby treat them accordingly. To love means to possess the divine ability to treat others the way God has treated us; period. Love is other-centered; rule-keeping is self-centered.
The rub comes when someone says you have to have rules (or laws) to know what is right and wrong. The answer to that is, one needs to walk by the Spirit in love to do what is pleasing to God (Gal. 5.16).
I am a law-breaker and a rule-bender. That’s just who I am. But Jesus came to set me free from that futile way of living and invites me to live in true relationship with Him and He is wise enough to guide me through life and teach me to live and to love as He does – law-free and other-centered.
Father in Heaven,
You never intended rules; You only ever intended love. May I learn to live as You live and to love as You love. May I know that the safe-guard for living is loving and as long as I maintain that I will be safe and effective in carrying out Your intentions for me. Father, help me to be super-sensitive when I wander off into lovelessness and set up rules to try to impose on others. True life is faith working through love and that is what I seek in Christ – May Your will be accomplished in me through Him, amen.
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