Matthew 5:2 2 ‘He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying…’ New American Standard Bible
The word, beatitude is not found in the Bible, that is, in the original writings. We men have put the word into Scripture to describe the first section of the Sermon on the Mount, starting in Matthew 5. (The words, Sermon on the Mount are not found in the original writings either. Again, descriptive terms added later.)
But what is found are the words teach, teaching, and taught and teachings because that is what Jesus did, He taught. And Jesus’ life-lessons were about the Kingdom of Heaven and not the ways of men. Jesus taught about God and the right way to approach God; through relationship and righteousness and not by keeping the rules. Jesus taught what He knew not what He knew about…
And most of what Jesus taught came down to a word we often use – or abuse – the word, attitude. Attitude is more the leanings of our heart and our thoughts and feelings toward something or someone. And so Jesus’ teachings were intended for us to have the proper attitude toward God and men, and even ourselves. A good attitude goes a long way in making the mechanics of this present life run a lot more smoothly.
Beatitude speaks to me of being not doing. I’m gonna beatitude my job today because it is the one that God has given me; and if He’s the One who gives it to me then it’s the best job I can have because it will help me the most in my attitude. Just doing my job comes across to me as mostly mindless and mechanical. Having a good attitude at work comes across as happy, helpful and in my case because of my attitude toward the Lord, holy.
Father in Heaven,
Your word is a lamp shining brightly to show me where to walk so that I know what is right and safe, and beneficial. Father thank You that You are aware of the thoughts and feelings I have and the way that I approach them. Lord, help me to have a good attitude about all You are for me and help me to beatitude in response out of a heart of gratitude.
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