Sunday, November 1, 2009

Orders from Headquarters


Mark 9:9 9 As they were coming down from the mountain, He gave them orders not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man rose from the dead. New American Standard Bible

Over and over in the Gospels Jesus warns, orders, instructs and tells people not to tell what He did, who He was, or relate their personal experience with Him to others. Why? What’s up with the secrecy???

Jesus was aware of the fallenness of people (including you and me) and knew they would get the wrong idea about Him then, as we do now. Jesus is not “God in a Bottle.” Or in a box, a bag, or a tube. And He sure didn’t want people portraying Him that way! While it is true that actions speak louder than words, sometimes actions speak so loudly that they drown out reason and the ability perceive correctly.

Now as then, people want deliverance from whatever ails them; they want miracles, they want more of this, that, or the other. The problem is they’re either not willing to give their heart in exchange – or perhaps tragically, they’re too willing to give their soul in exchange; God is nothing more to them than Someone who can deliver the goods and then leave them until the crap hits the fan – again.

Throughout the centuries people everywhere have struggled with this. I struggle with this. Currently, I want God to give me a better job with better pay (and more time to pursue what I want to do.) The Silence from Heaven is deafening. I think He wants me to seek Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Period

I am learning to think of God rightly and worship Him accordingly and that means sometimes keeping my mouth shut about how God deals with me. This morning I also read Psalm 121 and in doing so I consider my only options and here they are:
v.2 My help comes from the Lord
V.5 The Lord is [my] keeper
v.7 He will keep [my] soul
v.8 The Lord will guard [my] going out and [my] coming in
(Ps 121:2,5,7,8 NASB)

Father in Heaven,
The first words You spoke to me this day are in Psalm 121. My help comes from You and the job thing is in Your hands. You are my Keeper and the Protector of my soul, and You are my Guardian. I confess again this morning that You are NOT my Genie in a Bottle. Forgive me for praying in fear and help me to represent You well in all I do, say and think; and not to tell anyone otherwise – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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