Sunday, November 15, 2015

Oh Behave


2 Corinthians 2.12 For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you. – St. Paul

As weeks go, I would rate last week as less than (<) spectacular for me. I had mountaintop and valley experiences. People and plans encouraged and enriched me and, let me down. The only thing that held me together last week was the presence of the Lord. I owe my life to Him this day.

I think the apostle Paul had his fair share of less than spectacular weeks. I think he had mountaintop and valley experiences, and I think people both encouraged him, and let him down. My view of Paul is that he had his life together more than most of us but he too was susceptible to disappointment. In the midst of all he went through in the days of his earthly ministry, Paul said this: “…we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.”

What do you do when you’re immensely tired from lack of sleep and the girl at the airport McDonald’s tells you in her broken, accented English, “No, you order small coffee.”? And you find ire creeping into your voice as you tell her you specifically “no, I order large coffee!” What she needed from me (and didn’t get) was a little more simplicity and godly sincerity by the grace of God. Who cares about the coffee?

My focus and the direction of my life is to behave with simplicity and godly sincerity toward all, no matter the circumstance. No matter the coffee. It seems easier to do when life seems to be clipping along and everything seems to be going your way. But reality is: to behave well when things are falling apart all around you.

Sub-spectacular weeks are necessary for us to differentiate between the weeks – without a sub-spectacular we wouldn’t recognize the spectacular. And God is ever-present in spectacular and sub-spectacular – He’s the God of both.

This morning is my wake up call to a new week – a week that is yet to be rated by me as to its spectacular-isity. But my job, really, isn’t to rate weeks, but to behave in faith and let the weeks be what they’re going to be. God is in control of my weeks; and a sub-spectacular week with God is infinitely better than one without Him – amen? I’m to behave in this world with simplicity, sincere godliness, and by His grace given to me. A week is measured in grace and from God it’s endless.

Lord God, thank You for Your infinite grace. Thank You for every disappointment, every heartache, every part of what I experienced that I wouldn’t give the rating of spectacular; everything, everyday is from You, for You, and by Your grace to me. Help me to behave in simplicity – simply trusting You. Help me to behave in godly sincerity – being genuine and real to people in their need – whatever that may be. And remind me, O God, of Your grace abounding to me in whatever circumstance I find myself. I am in this world to serve You and to help others along their path. Amen.

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