Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It’s Expected


Exodus 23.15b “No one is to appear before me empty-handed." (NIV)

These were industrious people, the Israelites. They had to be. They had to provide for themselves and care for their families and flocks. They had to raise their crops or at the very least, go and gather the fruit of the land that grew all around them. And they were expected to be industrious and contribute to the welfare of their own, and the community at large.

No one was to appear before the Lord at their festivals empty-handed: everyone was to bring something. Everyone could cook or sew or bake or do something. It was expected. Participation was not optional.

For the last year or so I have served at my church in a couple different ways and I am seeing some change happening. But that doesn’t mean I go on vacation; it simply means I seek another way to serve. No one is to appear before Me empty-handed.

Nowadays our churches are structured differently than the ancient nation of Israel. We don’t have to tend flocks and gardens – we go to Safeway. But we can all bring something with us when we gather together and we can all serve in some manner or another. It’s the expectation.

Part of becoming a church and becoming a part of a church is to understand what that means and what is expected. We may not live under the Mosaic or Levitical laws, but we operate under the Law of Love – it’s expected. It’s expected that we love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength – and – it’s expected that we are to love our neighbor (our fellow church-goers) as we love ourselves; we’re to care for them on the same level as we do for our own well-being. That is the offering we bring these days. In those days, God expected them to show up with something; and today, we’re expected to honor God by caring for those around us in tangible ways like serving their needs.

There may have been ten thousand loaves of bread at one of those Jewish festivals because it was expected that they all show up; but each loaf was prepared by someone, and everyone contributed. Our lives in the church shouldn’t be different in that respect for we all have something to contribute. And we need to have that expectation.

Lord, it’s looking like I’m being moved in a different direction and rather than pout or panic, I pray for guidance as I look for the next place of service. Help me to remember that on Sundays, I am to show up ready to go with something to do – even if it’s as simple as sitting down and talking with someone new…I want to bring something. It’s expected. Amen.

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