Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Be There

When you go on vacation this summer or simply take a few days off to rest and recuperate, be there. Wherever it is, whatever you are doing, be there. Don't be back at the office. Don't be in a meeting. Don't be thinking about your reentry into the work place - it will be there when you return.

Be there in rest and reflection. Your life needs those two things. Be there in place and re-creation. Build again the joy of being a child, a student, a neophyte. Be there in relationships and in pleasure. Be there in fun. Be there in the games... but above all else don't be "back there" in your mind.

Take a vacation from your problems wrote Dr. Marvin to Bob. Be there, just try not to be 'back there...' at least until it's time to be.


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