Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Few, The Humble, The Christians

We all know the mantra of the Marines - The Few, The Proud, The Marines. I'm glad we have Marines - I am glad for the US Marine Corps. But I am gladder (more glad, most glad) still for the Lord of the universe and for His way in people. The Marines may fight battles, nationa and regimes; yea verily ideologies and oppression, but the Christian fights the cosmic cause aginst all that is good and right...

The Founder of the Movement, Jesus Christ, said this, "...But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:14 (New International Version) He wasn't saying anything other than this, "If you want to talk the talk then you have to walk the walk and the walkway is narrow and difficult to find because it smacks up against all you believe and have been previously taught." The few, the humble - the Christians.

Many want to ridicule this lifestyle because they perceive it as out of touch, weak and irrelevant. That's because they compare the Christ-walk to the earth-walk. The Christ-walk is costly and few want to pay the price. Few are willing to say to God, "Take me deeper into relationship with You! Show me what is above and beyond this meager existence as a mere human..." That's because it requires dogged determination and rigorous resolve to do it God's way - the few, the humble, the Christians.

Christ invites all to play on His team. He invites all to be members of His Kingdom - but He will only accept the few, the humble - the Christians...

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