Monday, June 5, 2017

The Way of a Man


Proverbs 30.18-19 18 “There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: 19 the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman.” - Agur 

The above is attributed to a guy named Agur, whose name, btw, means: collector. I fancy Agur to be a thinkling (not to be mistaken with Inklings, the writers group to which CS Lewis and his colleagues belonged. For sure, Lewis and his friends were thinklings; but they, to my knowledge, never referred to themselves as such…) Agur observed life and tucked away the things about it that gave him pause.

For me, for instance: I’ve long wondered why we humans applaud: clapping our hands together in delight or approval; it seems so bizarre that humans do such a thing. I think Agur may have wondered about stuff like that. He said: there’re three things too amazing for me, four that give me pause: the majesty of the bird’s flight; the armless, legless mobility of the snakes; the invisible but visible power of the wind; and… the mystery of a man’s attraction to a woman. 

In God’s omniscience, it seems He made the pinnacle of His creation to be a fitting companion for Adam – there is nothing on earth more mysterious (or magical) than woman. What really got Agur was the attraction factor: the impulse of affection. What causes a man to settle upon that woman he deems worthy of pursuit? A guy in love is a strange sight. 
A woman, it seems is attracted to her security, and meet purveyor of said. Man, on the other hand is enamored with the sight, the shape, the sound, and the sensation of her; the closer the better. Her presence, proximity, and person are his passion and pursuit. What makes 1+1? Agur wondered. I think I do too… 

And it is mysterious, but so edgy – he deems her necessary, she responds and pulls away, or clings – and the dance goes on and on. And somehow, together they decide that they are made for each other and with each other, they move forward: I will do the laundry, you pay all the bills. Where is my John Wayne, where is my prairie song? Where is my happy ending? Where have all the cowboys gone? * Agur said, I’ll never understand the way of a man with a maid. 

I dated my wife 3 times before I proposed. We got married three months later and this year will be year thirty-nine. We don’t recommend this, but whatever it takes right? I love look at my bride from across the room, or down an aisle at the supermarket. Her mystique never gets old. But I think it’s supposed to be that way. I think Agur thought so too. 

The way of a man with a maid defies logic, and sometimes reason. One thing it never does is defy biology – I think that’s the way God intended for it to be. My role as a man is to keep seeking the mystique – her role as a woman, is just to continue to be her… One of four that I do not understand: the way of a man with a maiden… 

Father, thank You for the gift of woman, and the gift of my woman. Thank you for things that are so commonplace, yet evoke wonder. If God can have fun, I think You did with the creation of Woman. And sometimes, Lord, it helps for me to not overthink things – thank You for just the way they are, mysterious and all… Amen.

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