Sunday, June 18, 2017



1 Kings 22.43 In everything he followed the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The high places, however, were not removed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there. 

It seems fitting on this Day of Fathers, to point out that Jehoshaphat (whose name means, Yahweh has judged) followed in the ways of his father Asa, and did not stray from them. Sometimes, (more often than not) fathers hold a place of tremendous influence in the life choices of their sons. A chip off the old block, they say… 

Jehoshaphat was influenced by his dad. But Jehoshaphat was also influenced by his heavenly Father, Yahweh. Somehow, some way, Jehoshaphat saw that God’s way was the best way. And he made the choice to follow God’s way.  

Jehoshaphat witnessed the life of his father, Asa, who for the most part, was a wise and conscientious king; but Asa did some weird stuff at the end of his career and died somewhat in ignobility. Asa nearly drove the proverbial leadership bus off the cliff. And Jehoshaphat witnessed it all. At some point Jehoshaphat must have made up his mind that he wasn’t going to do what his dad did. But sometimes, like it or not, the influence of the father is passed onto the kid(s).  

My hope is that my boys, (and my daughter) and my grandson, will witness and follow my ways. But when I say that what comes to mind is all the mistakes I have made as a man and a father. I hope they overlook those things and choose to do as I have done. I know how I got here and my only hope is that their path doesn’t include the pain I’ve suffered and caused. My kids have seen it all...

But I am not God. 

I am glad that Jehoshaphat chose to follow God. I am glad that he decided God’s ways were the best for him, despite what his father was or did. Mercifully, life isn’t about just being a carbon copy of the old man; it’s about the presence and influence of the Ancient of Days in lives of each individual. And God is at work in every person on the planet. 

Dads may be influential, but God is at work.  

And my prayer for my kidos is simply: Lord, the work that You’ve begun, see it through to completion in the lives of my kids and grandkids. And Lord, do whatever it takes to get their attention. God, only that they may see You for who You really are, and follow steadfastly in the way You lead. 

I have had, and still have that place in influence in my kids, but now, for me it’s a matter of daily fervent prayer for them as they lead their own lives and walk their own paths. Yahweh has judged. But I will pray. 

Father, for the millions and billions on this earth, give me that place of influence with as many as You choose. Help me to remember the ones who are close – relationally, or in proximity –to model what it is to walk with You. Give these young and little ones, glimpses of Your glory that though they see me, they would choose You – amen.

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