Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Song of Sex


Song of Songs 1.1 Solomon’s Song of Songs. – Solomon 

In the book, verse 1 really is what it says: Solomon’s Song of Songs. Now, I know there is a Lord of lords, and I know there is a King of kings; and only today, did it occur to me that there is also a Song of songs. Only in Scripture are there qualifiers like this; Scripture, after all being the Book of books 

As a 21st century man, I must admit that Song of songs leaves me a bit red-faced – in my pea-brain, the sexual overtones in the Song are like an elephant sitting next to me at my desk…say what!? And so, I have tried to sort out the Song as to what it means, and what it means to me. As I said, a bit red-faced. But its presence in Holy Writ also emphasizes my appreciation of the honesty of Scripture and the transparency of life with all its culture, customs, habits, hurts, and hang-ups.  

Sex is the real deal… when done right (and rightly). Sex is not just the sensation – although there are many who would shout me down on that point. Sex, as well, is mostly not what we in 21st century western culture make it out to be either: who says we know what is right and proper (can we even use the words, “right and proper” in a conversation about sex?) When did we moderns become such experts of human relationships and sexuality? 

Sadly, like most everything else in our culture today, sex is all about self. If one gets what one wants out of it then so be it. But is seems the more we try to justify and conquer our view of sex, the more mystifying and maddening it becomes. Anything devoted to self and self-gratification is doomed before it even starts. 

Song of songs mystifies me and causes me to wonder: why is it even in Scripture!? And then I look at my society and go: Oh! That’s why! Somewhere in the mysteriousness of life we were created to procreate – but procreation is not the only reason for sex. Sex, is indeed a gift, but man does it come with a price-tag! And a gift unappreciated, or abused, or misused is not much of a gift. At least from the recipient’s point of view. Dad can give me a brand new bicycle for my birthday, but if I use it for playing tennis it doesn’t do me much good. (Riding to tennis on a bike is one thing, using the bike to serve the ball is another…) 

So, I think the point (theologically) may just be this  in my pea-brained-ness: The Bible in fact, may be a sometime guide to the mystery, mystique, and majesty of human sexuality. And God created sex – and it was goooood. But it’s only good for us if it is used in the right way; not technique, or style but purpose – sexual intercourse is always for the benefit of the other. Making love is just that: love; and love is always about the other... first. 

Can sex be fun? Sure. Can sex be ecstatic? I hope so. But sex loses its value when it becomes the end, not a means to an end. The end is the health and vitality of the relationship of which sex is only a part. Want more sex? Serve your partner well in every other area of life first. Want sex to be more exciting? Try meeting as many of the other emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of your partner apart from sex.  

Note: Sex is work, but the payoff is perfect for the one who is willing to do the work… (Put that in your pipe and smoke it…) 

Thank You God, for sex. Help me to do rightly and to concentrate on all of the other parts of her life first …the payoff will be magical. 😊 Amen

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