Saturday, June 4, 2011

With Whom I Converse


Proverbs 29:26 26 Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that man gets justice. NIV

Oh, if only I could go and address a joint session of congress and the president – boy, I’d give them a piece of my mind! How many of us have longed to do such a thing. These days I think there are many more who’d like a shot at correcting this band of politicians who seem hell-bent on totally ruling our every move and thought. I’d like to address the situation – fool that I am to think those who have utterly no respect for me would stop long enough to listen to what a little peep like me would have to say.

So as I read this, I thought, hmmm, God almighty listens to my prayers; and through His apostle Paul He said, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior...” (1 Ti 2:1-3 NIV) Prayer pleases God and prayer offered in faith is something that God loves.

Do we think for a minute that any of that bunch of weenies in Washington really cares anything about any of us? Do we think God does? Our problem is, as Americans, we think our troubles are solved politically. David said, in Psalm 60, “…for the help of man is worthless…” not just unreliable, totally worthless. And yet we seem to pay more attention to our voting rights than to the words of David. There is more spiritual power in one present-day praying church than all of the Federal Government combined since its inception. Do we believe that? And are we going to try to use our spiritual power to accomplish affluence and apathy? The population in hell grows every moment of every day…

Friends, I repent of thinking I can make a difference in Washington by joining that crowd of losers who think all of our problems are to be corrected politically. Many seek an audience with the boss neglecting to realize that God is the Only One who cares and can do anything at all about all of our problems. My response is to pray! I get to choose where and when and with Who I have my conversations.

Father in Heaven,
You know every political thought I’ve ever had. I’m sorry I’ve had them. Voting is a right that I am blessed with but prayer and prayer for my leaders and my country is what pleases You. May I please You with my thoughts and may they be godly and un-political – God I trust in You! Amen.

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