Thursday, June 23, 2011

At Issue - Really


1 Timothy 5:3 3 Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. NIV

Three times in this chapter Paul uses the term, “really in need”. I suppose what he was trying to say was, really in need. There are those among us who are really in need. Then there are those among us who appear to be in need but still have some options  available; and then there are those who are really in need. The message here is proper recognition or the ability to see the truth and not let emotions or expedience cloud the situation.

When dealing with people we must factor in their perspective – what they see, how they feel, and what they think is coming to them. The fact that any of us thinks we have anything coming is ridiculous, but in fact in our hearts we think we deserve this, that, or the other. So, what’s at issue here is leadership and the proper administration of leadership.

Leadership is more than just being a decision-maker or the decision-maker; it is leading people effectively from one place to another in their minds. A leader who can’t discern real need is a leader who probably has problems accepting the things he can’t change, and lacks courage to change the things he can because he lacks wisdom to discern the difference between what he can and what he can’t. Leadership requires work. And leadership requires the leading of the Lord to get us from one place to another in our minds.

Timothy needed Paul to help him, encourage him, and to cause him to seek after discernment. Timothy needed Paul’s past experience to see what was truly at stake in his own life: his ability to lead people effectively. The treatment of widows was just one area where the Ephesian church needed help to overcome emotions and expedience. Paul’s man Timothy needed help when he faced push-back in the areas of human relationships and the true care of people.

Today, I seek after discernment knowing that how people present themselves and the baggage they’re dragging along with them may be two completely different things. They may really need help but I must discern the right option for them so that emotional expedience doesn’t exacerbate enablement.

Father in Heaven,
You are my Source and Supply and I ask for both discernment and the ability to discern. Help me to see clearly and make right choices – the first of which is checking in with You. Thank You for Your love and for this word today – amen.

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