Sunday, June 5, 2011

True Strength


Ephesians 1:19b b That power is like the working of his mighty strength... NIV

Unfortunately for many today, Hollyweird has robbed them of the meaning of true strength. The phrase above in its context is this: "...and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20 which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms..." (Eph 1:19-20 NIV) God’s strength is different than man’s strength. God can become a man; God can raise the dead; God can speak and it comes to be (Cf. Psalm 33.9).

I used to think that this verse (or fragment of a sentence) was saying God exerted mighty strength in the way a strong man would lift weights or the front end of a small car – muscles bulging and veins popping – sweat shooting from His pores. God’s strength is not man’s strength and God can never bust a sweat because though His strength is routinely manifest in the physical, it isn’t physical. God’s power is of the magnitude of helping a sinner find grace and repentance and follow after Him in belief. If that ain’t power, I don’t know what is… God’s strength causes a man to praise and glorify Him as his lowly body is being ripped apart by wild beasts or man’s bullets.

When God called Jesus back from the dead, He exerted His power in one simple command, “Come! My Son, Your work is done!” It was that simple. When God exerts, He simply wills it to be and it is… no more argument, no more resistance.

God’s mighty strength is at work in us who believe. His power to overcome our wills is at work in us at this very moment. Many are the thoughts of men but God overcomes them all. Strong indeed is the freewill of man but God’s love is more powerful even though He Himself respects freewill. God is at work in us despite whatever our freewill does or doesn’t do. That’s power!

The most amazing thing to me, a piece of a fleck of dust, is that God’s power is humble. That is so unnatural to us men. In humility God exerts His power and influence over us as not to violate His respect for the human heart and the freewill of man. Somehow that power accomplishes His will and leaves ours intact – wow!

Father in Heaven,
Your power causes me to cry out, Have Your own way God – do what You will with me and within me! May that same resurrection power that causes the dead to live, swell within my heart, and cause me to seek You alone with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength – through Jesus, amen!

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