Saturday, June 25, 2011

His Personal Investment


2 Timothy 1:12 12 That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day. NIV

Why be ashamed – you’re in God’s care. Many wrote Paul off as just another in a long, long line of losers. If Paul was so good, they reasoned, why were his circumstances so bad? (It’s amazing to me how much stock we put into difficulty and pain as if somehow we’re being punished - are we really that shallow and guilty?) Did Paul really have something to hide?

Paul himself may have had reason to doubt had he not known Him in who he believed. Paul’s shout down to his own doubts was, “No way! God is in complete control of this and He knows no defeat!”

And Paul was personally convinced that his circumstances and everything that had happened and was happening to him was safely in God’s reliable and trustworthy care. Paul had entrusted his entire being to God and knew no matter the outcome, God would prevail in His purposes and promises.

And on that day – that glorious day when all of heaven and earth celebrates the conclusion of God’s great and grand experiment of goodness, grace, and glory Paul was convinced that he himself would not be disappointed in the outcome of his personal investment into the eternal Kingdom of God – it was worth it all!

Father in Heaven,
O Great God! Holy and true are You – there are too few words to describe the majesty of Your being! Lord, overcome my fears and reluctance to put every last one of my ‘eggs’ into Your basket! May I invest my heart in You and celebrate with Paul singing – for I know Whom I have believed and am convinced – fully persuaded, that You are able, more than able to guard all of my investment in You until that Day of Jesus Christ when it will all come to consummation and completion in Him! Glory to Your Name! Amen!

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