Sunday, May 29, 2011

What God Thinks About


Proverbs 10:23 23 A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom. NIV

It doesn’t take long in reading the Proverbs to get a pretty clear picture of, not only others, “Oh yeah, he’s just like that!” but also of oneself: “Yuck! That’s me!” So, as I read today, I listened in my mind to true wisdom and very pointed sayings along the lines of the difference between good and evil, wickedness and righteousness; fools and the wise. It really doesn’t take long to see what’s going on… change is supposed to take place.

Lately, I seem to be catching myself having some kind of untoward only to have that thought quickly followed by this thought: Eew! Did I really just think that!? I’m not trying to boast; I’m just saying that I’m noticing my thoughts and my reaction to my own thoughts and sometimes I’m encouraged and sometimes I’m disgusted. Sometimes I’m just encouraged that I’ve experienced disgust by some of my thoughts. So, when I read this verse today, I had to stop and think about what I really delight in – and wisdom, or the right way of thinking, seems to be hanging around more and more… but not because I put it there…

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12.2 NIV) It may take some time, it may take some effort, and it may take some ugly trials and errors, but the renewing process is real and makes a difference in the way we think and how we think about what we think.

The last thing I want to think is that I’ve made it – nothing is more arrogant. I might want to admit to the light flickering on, but I certainly won’t deny cloudy days or periods of downright darkness. The Lord seems to be interested in my staying out in the ‘sun’ where I can see clearly, behave properly, and think differently – not conforming to the pattern of this world where everything revolves around me, emanates from me, and bows to the tyranny of me. It truly is a delight to be able to think a little differently from the norm, and life thinking about what God thinks about; even if it’s only momentary or fleeting.

Father in Heaven,
You made us to be far more than we can hope or imagine but just because we have our limits doesn’t mean You do. Help me to keep applying the cleansing word over my life and to keep rising to the level of delighting in wisdom – amen.

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