Romans 4:4-5 5 However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.
Recently I ran across a book entitled, 48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal. The editorial review says, “48 Days to the Work You Love, is not so much about finding a new job as it is learning about who we are really called to be in relation to our vocation-whatever shape that career may take in these changing times. According to the author, failing to make that fundamental discovery of calling is why so many people find themselves in jobs they hate. But now, thousands upon thousands are finding the work they love, thanks to practical advice from this leading career counselor.” Sounds like an interesting read…
As I read through Romans 4 today, I thought about work and works, and trying to please God by being the best I can be – only to realize that when I do, it seems to bring out the worst in me. God knows, and I need to know, that attempting to work out my salvation is futile. Living out my salvation however, is what God has called me to do regardless of my vocation.
God wants to share life with us, but when we attempt to work out our relationship with Him, then the focus becomes our work – and our work no matter how good it is, was never intended to be the focus of our life. Only God is to be our focus. Abraham got it, he understood relationship with God and because God was his Friend, Abraham lived accordingly. God expects nothing more from any of the rest of us. Our pride is what drives us to be pleasing to God. Cain’s offering was presented in the wrong heart – Look at what I can do God! Abel’s was offered in the right heart: O God! Have mercy on me – a sinner!
I cannot workout my salvation because then I become an employee. Any time we turn what we love into employment I can guarantee that the sheen will come off the apple – what once was love, is now just one more rock around my neck because there is no perfect job. Jobs demand; there are no demands in love…
Father in Heaven,
You never called us to be Your employees; You called us to be Your sons and daughters. It doesn’t matter how long it takes for us to work through the list of do’s and don’ts, we will never find You by checking off a list. You call us to rest and trust in You – and when we do – we find friendship and rest forever! Amen.
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