Matthew 22:16 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. "Teacher,” they said, “we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are. NIV
If Jesus were to visit with you this hour what would you tell Him you know about Him? The Pharisees, who were unflinching in their pursuit of the Law, and the Herodians who were unflinching in their pursuit of politics, linked up and told Jesus what they knew (or at least what they thought they knew) about Him. It sounds to me like they should’ve said, “Teacher, here is what we think about You…” Because, what they said, and what they thought, were poles apart. If Jesus was to visit with you in the next few moments, what would you tell Him?
The Pharisees and Herodians were vicious competitors; they hated each other. Putting them together would be like trying to mix oil and water, Democrats and Republicans; it just wouldn’t (and didn’t) work. But when enemies find a common cause to fight against, it makes for odd bedfellows. One common thing Jesus was to both groups: He was a threat. And threats had to be dealt with.
Why ask Jesus about paying tax to Caesar? Surely they didn’t care about paying taxes to Caesar! It’s not really so much what they said but what they thought – and they thought Jesus was a fraud; they wanted to use Rome and Roman taxation against Him. What is curious to me is the charge that Jesus paid no attention to who men were. I realize they were referencing His approach to people, but they erred when they said He didn’t care. If there is one thing our Savior does care about, it’s people. Jesus cares deeply about people. I don’t think He gives one whit about position, power, or politics; but He cares about people, and He came to lead all people to God. Neither the Pharisees nor the Herodians were doing that. And they thought wrong about Jesus, Caesar, and people – oh and taxes too!
In our theology we must be careful how we represent the One who cares ultimately about all of us – He cares the most and He cares the best because He’s the One who promises us rest. It’s foolish to say that Jesus pays no attention to who we are – nothing could be farther from the truth.
Lord Jesus,
I know You are the Son of God, and when You walked among us, You were a man of complete integrity teaching the ways of God in accordance with the His truth. You weren’t swayed by men, but You loved them; and You love us – You love me. I ask for grace to be a good student in Your school of learning the ways of God in accordance with His truth. Thank You that You love and care and mostly, Lord, You pay attention to me and the needs I have – thank You, amen.
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