Matthew 24:20 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. NIV
Jesus had the difficult task of explaining to His disciples what was going to happen “at the end of the age”. They wanted to know what was going to happen next. Curiosity plagued them – and it plagues mankind – for some reason we all seem to want to know what happens next. The urge may be stronger in some than it is in others, but it seems to be a universal trend among both believers and non-believers.
In the west we’ve become so affluent that we want to know if our affluence is going to last – so we spend much of our time and resources planning a thing called retirement in hope that we can finally relax and spend the remainder of our lives happily ever after. But we want to know, will we suffer from disease, will we die in some accident; what will happen so we know how to plan. The sad fact is: knowing the future and what events will befall us, doesn’t give us any advantage. Just ask the person who visits the doctor only to be told, go home and die, the party is over. Knowing you have terminal cancer doesn’t give you any advantage.
Well what does give you an advantage, Paul? This: knowing God who knows the beginning from the end. Jesus gave them a glimpse of what was coming and He said it was going to be really bad. Strangely, and probably to their disappointment He didn’t give them a crisis management plan; He simply instructed them to pray, Lord, if this has to come, let it not be on the Sabbath, or in winter. Winters and Sabbaths impede travel.
There are things in my life I wish I had answers to and wish I knew the outcome. I don’t. But I worship and serve a God who does; and who has promised to make a way for me in seasons of trouble and (even) tribulation. Not knowing makes me focus on right now and right now, and how I live right now, is more important than any uncertain future fate. I can pray for mercy and trust in His kindness and provision…
Father in Heaven,
You are in charge of all of my tomorrows. You are in charge of my today. Help me to remember that knowing the future doesn’t change a thing and often distracts me from the present which is all I have anyway. May I live one day at a time and enjoy each moment as it comes knowing that You love me, care for me, and have work for me to do. May that be my focus in Christ, amen.
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