Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Whatever Whenever


1 Corinthians 7:24 24 So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God. ESV

How often I would change my circumstances – I would have more time, more money, more charm, more whatever… The changes I would have are pretty well summed up in the grass is greener syndrome. Sunny days always seem sunnier and more appealing when I have to work – I’d rather not be working when it’s sunny. But when the bills come due and the car needs gas and the groceries need purchased, I’m glad I worked on those sunny days.

One phrase of the Serenity Prayer is, “Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time…” The wisdom of this is learning to accept whatever whenever, and in the midst of it all, to find God. Paul seemed to be saying to the Corinthians, “in whatever condition [you] were called, find God; He’s there.” And He is. The safety-valve to the desire to manage our circumstances, be it the job, relationships, leisure, affliction, is this: find God whenever, wherever and focus solely upon Him. There is great relief when we do.

Whatever my condition today, my reminder is to focus wholly and solely upon God. That isn’t a free-pass to be irresponsible or lazy, but to remember wherever I am and whatever I’m doing to be ‘in the presence’ of the Lord because wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, He is with me.

Father in Heaven,
You know Your child has a restless heart and wishes things would be different and could be under his control, but that isn’t Your heart and You and I both know I would soon screw things up. Help me today to focus on Your presence and to enjoy Your company as I go about my day – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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