Sunday, November 14, 2010

Change I Can Live With


1 Corinthians 15:51 51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed... ESV

That’s what I’m hoping for – change. I find myself desiring change almost everyday. I want to change my personality; I want to change my location. I want to change my vocation. All these desires come upon me in waves. And so as I read Paul’s letter to his beloved church in Corinth I hear the words I so want to hear, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed…. Yes! Be patient little one, your redemption draws near.

In Christ I will be changed in order to live in eternity; in Him, I’ll be changed in order to live and thrive in Heaven. I’ll no longer feel the friction of the physical but will experience eternally the exquisite, well-oiled freedom of the spiritual. That’s change I’m hoping for.

When the burdens of this life become too much and the oft insanity of living in western society comes in full-force like a tsunami, I remember my hope and what lies ahead for me and all who hope in Jesus – change I can live with!

You have prepared a life for me way beyond the blue; and one day, I’ll be changed forever, for eternity. And if this life has promise and purpose then so does the eternal, only infinitely more. May I rest today in Your promise and in humility walk in Your purpose that I may be prepared for that day when death will die and life will sweep in like a flood forever and ever. In Your Name I hope… and pray – amen.

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