2 Corinthians 7:12 12 So although I wrote to you, it was not for the sake of the one who did the wrong, nor for the sake of the one who suffered the wrong, but in order that your earnestness for us might be revealed to you in the sight of God. ESV
I cannot speak for you, because I don’t know, so I’ll just have to speak for me – for many years, times of testing were lost on me because my focus was in other places rather than on what God was teaching me. It seems even now I go through some of the same things over and over that bug the crap out of me and I wonder, does this ever go away!? I can admit however, I am getting smarter – after all these years, I am seeing things a bit differently.
Paul saw something in this church that he wouldn’t let go of: the presence of God among them. Paul saw something else we might not see a lot of these days: a confidence in himself and in his message that could only be the presence of God. We see many pretenders, but there aren’t many ‘Pauls’ walking among us.
When Paul wrote, “…that your earnestness for us might be revealed to you…” he was utterly convinced that a spiritual transaction had taken place in Corinth, that that they were in fact God’s children; he knew they just needed to see it. He knew that the proof of it would be in the display of their earnestness for [him] and their accepting it. Might sound arrogant, but not from Paul.
Often in spiritual matters our hearts (which are deceitful above all things, and desperately sick (Je 17:9 ESV)) need convinced. The catalyst for that, is times of heartbreakingly painful circumstances; the heart must be broken in order to receive the truth. There are truths that God desires for each of us to see and embrace that will only come by comparing our current miserable or apathetic experience to the gloriousness of His promises; and when our earnestness for Him is revealed to us.
So who knows but that the seasons of humiliation and disappointment we’re living through now, aren't but to open our eyes to the glorious acceptance and love of God for us at some point in the future, when the reality of His presence within us is revealed through our earnestness for Him? 1+1=2
Father in Heaven,
You never let go! You love us with such a magnificent love and You never let go. Help me to see Your love in new ways today as the process of breaking my heart continues. And help me to see my earnestness for You revealed as my flesh is crucified by my pain – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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