Matthew 16:8 “O you of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves the fact that you have no bread?" ESV
The problem with big government is its system of valuation. God intended government to keep law and order, to settle disputes, and to protect the national borders – apart from that there’s not much else the government needs to do. I know that is an explosive viewpoint to some, but the fact is, men ought to rule themselves and settle their own disputes based upon a central truth and if there’s a need for a mediator, that ought to be God Himself – the Author of truth. The problem with big government is that it cannot get past the idea of not enough bread or too much – government is limited.
The disciples were discussing what they didn’t have and had completely lost sight of What they did have: Himself; infinitely beyond what they could ask or imagine…
I don’t get the mentality of I don’t have but will readily admit the duplicity of my living with it every day; my system of valuation is all wrong. These days a morphing (hopefully) is taking place in me and the battle rages – I am trying to learn to trust God and be content with what I have (or don’t have). Jesus’ words imply to me that when I feel like I don’t have, I need to remember that in Him, I have way more than bread (or whatever else it is I think I need.)
Lord Jesus,
You are my Supply and my Sufficiency. I recognize I am caught up in my system of valuation and I cry out to you to be freed. Renew my mind and help me to truly see You as my All in All – I pray in Your Name, amen.
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