Isaiah 56.6 "...everyone who keeps the Sabbath..."
What was the purpose of keeping the Sabbath – what’s the big deal? We might ask the same thing of the marriage ceremony; of the baptismal act; of the sacraments – what’s the big deal? It’s not so much what we do, but what is represented by what we do – i.e. the reason behind what we do – that matters.
The question in Isaiah 56 is that of natural born vs. adopted, and the great equalizer is relationship with God. The foreigner in verses 56.3-5 questions his standing before God because he isn’t a Jew, i.e. one of God’s people. There is a separator in his mind that he can never overcome because of his racial heritage. Equally the enuch sees his physical limitations and decides because of cultural bias there must be spiritual limitations as well. God says in response, “It isn’t those who are born citizens or complete physically who matter – it’s those who keep My Sabbath."
Keeping the Sabbath was the litmus test of one’s devotion to God – it was the willful and intentional ceasing of the pursuit of earth in order to dwell with all of one’s being on the pursuit of heaven – if even for only a day a week. To God that meant everything because it revealed a heart of obedience and a heart of devotion that He would not overlook; that He would honor.
It’s not so much what I do, but what is represented by what I do – i.e. the reason behind what I do – that matters to God. Paul said this: So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Co 10:31) My job if you can call it that is to keep at my relationship with God and all that I do in life is for His glory – that’s a pretty good reason for everything…
Father in Heaven,
You’ve called me to be holy in all I do, and to set apart periods of time each week, month, and year to devote all of my being’s resources to concentrate solely and wholly upon You. I am refreshed and You are blessed when I do – it represents a heart that is fully devoted to You. May I practice this, preach this, and by my example teach this to others that my life may be lived on purpose for Your glory – in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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