Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Focus and Vocation


Hebrews 10.25b ...but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

We are to be looking for the Day and encouraging one another more and more with each passing day. Says so right here.

So that must mean that the focus of life is the Day and the vocation of life is encouragement. I am to continually keep my eye on the coming day of the Lord – not a date on the calendar, but the reality of its coming. For God has said that He won’t let this thing go on forever – it’s not the way He intended. He is coming back to put everything back in its proper order and then allow His true children to care for it under His quidance.

Last night I had a dream wherein I was being challenged by an offended employee for a mistake I didn’t make. I found myself in my dream getting defensive and when I discussed it with my supervisor he said, “We hired you to handle situations like this!” When I woke up, I realized defensiveness is not the way to inspire people and that true leadership would agree with the issue, encourage the offended, and seek to correct the issue. And true leadership would thank the employee for the challenge and take the matter to heart in the attitude of: how could I have done this better?

My brothers and sisters in Christ need more than challenges and criticism – they need encouragement and all the more as they turn their eyes (and way of life) toward the coming Day when Christ returns to inaugurate the new Kingdom, the new earth and the new heavens – what a day that will be!

Father in Heaven,
You correct and encourage me everyday – that is Your manner as I see it. Father, help me to be an encouragement as I look for the coming Day and as I help others in the meantime. Life is full of issues and how I learn to handle them can be like a breath of fresh air to someone who’s caught up in the midst of them. May I encourage, and all the more, as I see the Day approaching – in Jesus I walk and pray – amen.

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