Monday, July 5, 2010

Dependence Day


Hebrews 2:9 9 But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. ESV

God never intended for His creation to die – that just isn’t His way. When God creates His creation lasts forever. But when our first parental units – Adam and Eve – sinned, death was introduced into God’s creation – not because of God but because of sin. And so as God created man who then sinned; eternal death was the only result of sin.

So God reversed the order by sending His perfect and eternal Son into the present death of the world so that by His death life would return to those enslaved by the sin of our first parents through their discobedience. He tasted true death in order that true life would then be available to all who believe. That’s something worth celebrating.

Yesterday, July fourth in the US we celebrated Independence Day. Today we must remember and celebrate Dependence Day – the Day that Jesus Christ tasted death for all who believe. He, who for a little while, was made lower than the angels, so that by the favor of God for His creation, He might taste death and open the door for true restoration and eternal life for everyone.

Lord Jesus,
Today, I celebrate what You did for us by giving Your life to make it possible for me (and everyone else who believes) to have eternal life. God, help me to celebrate my dependence upon You for doing what I could never do and giving me what I could never have apart from You. May Your Name be forever praised, amen.

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