Hebrews 4:10 10 for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. ESV
So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. (Genesis 2:3) God served mankind by creating the heavens and the earth and the Scripture says He did all that in six days and then rested from His work on the seventh. God didn’t rest because He was tired; He ceased creating because it was done.
Man works to repay a debt he can never ever repay; and so he works and works and tries to repay it, but he can’t; so he continues to strive and toil and work. But God says, “Rest in Me!” so that man can find his debt paid-off and the way made for him to rightly relate to God and accept the pay-off of his unpayable debt. There is no longer a need to pay a debt that has already been paid if man could only believe… but he can’t because he cannot accept a God who does all of the work for him.
Resting in God is my accepting that His work of redemption is done. Resting in God is my accepting that the debt I owe is fully repaid. Resting in God is my accepting life from Him through faith in His finished work in Jesus Christ. Resting in God is my ceasing from trying to find righteousness in and of myself and simply accepting His through Christ. Resting in God is the gift of relationship with God by faith and the freedom to finally stop trying to impress Him (and whoever else) with what I think I know and what I think I can do.
Father in Heaven,
You made sure that a rest remains for Your people by finishing the work for us. You knew we could never repay our debt and You knew we would not stop trying to do so. Today, I again accept Your free gift and realize how I have (again) been trying to impress You rather than simply accepting You for who You are and what You’ve done. Thank You for the rest that is mine in Jesus Christ – may my life be a reflection of that truth today – in His Name, amen.
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