John 2:22 22 When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. (ESV)
The Book of Psalms is divided up into 5 books. The last of these books begins with Psalm 107. This particular psalm speaks of deliverance and the reaction of God’s people under oppression, in prison, and in sin, and in everyday life. In each situation they came to the point where they remembered God, cried out to Him, and experienced His salvation in deliverance.
Later in John’s gospel we read that after Jesus was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered what He’d previously said and it bolstered their faith in Him.
Much of our lives as disciples of Christ simply boils down to us remembering who God is and what He’s doing on our behalf regardless of whose fault it is we’re in the situation we’re in. And sometimes it requires awful tough stuff to get us to remember but God loves us too much to allow us to forget. His salvation is too important to forget. His love and His ways are too important to forget.
John said, “…and they believed in the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.” Psalm 107 ends with this: Ps 107:43 "Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord." (v. 43) As I must attend to the shadows in my life I must also remember the good and great things the Lord has done and does – I must call to mind His word and His great acts of deliverance in my life. If I’m wise to remember; I’m a fool to forget…
Father in Heaven,
How great is Your salvation! How wonderful and marvelous are Your deeds to me, a weak minded wandered who routinely forgets who he is and what You’ve called me to be. Fill me with Your Spirit this day to remember how good and kind You’ve been to me, and how many times You’ve rescued me from trouble – self-inflicted or otherwise – In Jesus’ Name, amen.